Team 7587 is funded by donations from our incredible sponsors. We do not charge students to join the team. Therefore, donations and sponsorship are critically important to us. These donations are used to purchase new tools and supplies (metal, gearboxes, motors, computers, etc...), pay for competitions and equip our team.
Payment Info:
Checks: make them to “Metuchen Momentum LLC,” a federally recognized 501(c)(3) tax-exempt non-profit organization.
Paypal: Donations can be made through Paypal using our team email address
We are always thankful for your donations!
Sponsorship Tiers:
Nuts & Bolts $199-$1,999
Contributors’ logo on the back of the year’s T-shirt and on our webpage
Bronze $2,000-$4,999
Contributors receive a signed team photograph
Have their logo on the robot
Receive perks from the previous level
Silver $5,000-$9,999
Contributors receive a thank you package
Have their name associated with the team at all events
Receive perks from previous levels
Gold $10,000+
Contributors receive a plaque of appreciation
Receive perks of the previous levels
Platinum Highest Contribution
Contributors receive the honor of naming the robot
Receive Perks of previous levels