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Meet our FLL Program:

Electric Mushrooms Front Final (1).png
Front Cosmobots (1).png
Front Robostars.png

--Team 57335--
The Robostars
This team consists of mainly 4th and 5th graders and
 a few 6th graders.

--Team 52607--
The Electric Mushrooms
A team full of all 7th graders and
one-sixth grader that made it to qualifiers in 2022. They alsoeceived the Innovation Award in their first year as a team. 

--Team 55870--
The Cosmobots
A team fun of young kids!

Legolotls Front (2).png

--Team 52608--
The Legolotls
 This team has mostly 8th graders and one 7th grader. This year and this season, they got the core values award, and second-place at the qualifying competition. They qualified for state as well.


--Team 55871--
The Quantum Legoneers
This team h
as mostly 6th graders.

--Team 57334--
This team has mostly 6th graders.

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